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"Poor service"

A review of Staples Uk- Head Office by Nicki written on Wednesday 5th of October 2016


Sadly today staples have lost a customer who was about to spend an awful lot of money!

I was sold an expensive printer, just after a year later it stopped working, I was told by Epsom, I should have been told to run the machine monthly, I did not do this, as I was not told! so it's now blocked, wanting £118 to fix it

I rang staples, lovely lady who gave me the bad news that staples would not do anything!

One way to loose companies buying of you, I need 5 laptops, 8 I pads and everything else's you need to start a up a buisness, never again, very poor very disappointing service!.

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Staples Uk- Head Office

Map showing Staples Uk- Head Office on London Road